Fytte the First: Demon and Princess
Verse I: Demon, Meet Princess
001: Let the Merriment Begin
002: A Fight Ensues
003: Her Higness Awakens
004: Songtime!
005: Louder Songtime!
006: Public Service Announcement
007: Talk Like A Pirate Day! (wi' a curse!)
Verse II: A Matter of Conscience(s)
008: The Self-Recursive Demon
009: A Demon Divided
010: Why Didn't I Use That Other Diabolical Job-Placement Organization
011: Almost Enough to Make a Demon Cry
Verse III: Night Knight Fight
012:Bad Knights, Few Knights, Red Knights, Blue Knights
013: Kill Who?
014: Against a Sea of Troubles
015: Ffantastic or Ffarcical?
016: Power and Finesse
017: Things that go FWOOSH in the night.
018: A New Record
019: The Dangers of Dramatic Flair
020: It's Not Filler Because It Was In The First Draft of the Script. Ha!
021: How Not to Talk to a Princess
022: A Slow Learner, This One Is...
023: Beginning...Ending...Its All About the Little Black Box
Alternate Verse: Fillers, etc.
We Interrupt Your Usual Broadcast (Filler 1)
Today Is Special! (Filler 2)
Verse I: Demon, Meet Princess
001: Let the Merriment Begin
002: A Fight Ensues
003: Her Higness Awakens
004: Songtime!
005: Louder Songtime!
006: Public Service Announcement
007: Talk Like A Pirate Day! (wi' a curse!)
Verse II: A Matter of Conscience(s)
008: The Self-Recursive Demon
009: A Demon Divided
010: Why Didn't I Use That Other Diabolical Job-Placement Organization
011: Almost Enough to Make a Demon Cry
Verse III: Night Knight Fight
012:Bad Knights, Few Knights, Red Knights, Blue Knights
013: Kill Who?
014: Against a Sea of Troubles
015: Ffantastic or Ffarcical?
016: Power and Finesse
017: Things that go FWOOSH in the night.
018: A New Record
019: The Dangers of Dramatic Flair
020: It's Not Filler Because It Was In The First Draft of the Script. Ha!
021: How Not to Talk to a Princess
022: A Slow Learner, This One Is...
023: Beginning...Ending...Its All About the Little Black Box
Alternate Verse: Fillers, etc.
We Interrupt Your Usual Broadcast (Filler 1)
Today Is Special! (Filler 2)
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